Thriving Spirit

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Listening for the Voice of Queen Esther

Queen Esther is known for her courage, beauty, connection with spirit, and grace.  I have been on an intimate journey of the imagination with the Biblical Esther— since February 2020, she has been coming alive to me, in her vulnerability and resilience, through a series of Hebrew chants sung in her voice.   

This recording was created on March 5, 2023 in the beautiful historic sanctuary of UU Mt Airy. March 5 was the eve of Ta’anit Esther (the Fast of Esther), a dawn-to-dusk fast in the Jewish calendar which commemorates the 3-day fast that Esther called prior to risking her life to save her people.  Please be in touch if you would like to bring Esther’s chants to your community, whether on Zoom or in person.

Link to Video Recording of Listening for the Voice of Queen Esther